Images & Videos: Mammography
Items 1 to 10 of 14 - Click images to view larger

Computer-aided detection (CAD) mammogram

Normal mammogram

Mammography procedure

Mammography procedure

Digital mammography procedure

Subglandular breast implants (Imp) in the right breast. Note the pectoral muscle (PM), which passes behind the implant rather than over it. Subpectoral implants are also performed.
CC = Craniocaudal, (i.e., 'head to tail'), referring to the view the xray was taken from.
MLO = Mediolateral Oblique (i.e., at an angle).
B = Breast tissue, normal appearance.
Imp = Implant; appears white because the implant stops xrays from passing through to the film or receptor.
PM = Pectoralis major Muscle
Axial view of the chest (as though the body were sliced in half), showing:
CC = Craniocaudal, (i.e., 'head to tail'), referring to the view the xray was taken from.
MLO = Mediolateral Oblique (i.e., at an angle).
B = Breast tissue, normal appearance.
Imp = Implant; appears white because the implant stops xrays from passing through to the film or receptor.
PM = Pectoralis major Muscle
Axial view of the chest (as though the body were sliced in half), showing:

Mammography unit
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