Images & Videos: CT Angiography (CTA)
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2D reconstruction image of a normal right coronary artery.

Normal three-dimensional CT angiogram of the lower extremities. For more information see CT Angiography (CTA).

3D reconstruction image of the carotid arteries (CTA) showing a stent in right carotid and a 99% stenosis (blockage).

3D Reconstruction of the heart with cross sectional images of a normal right coronary artery.

Normal three-dimensional (3-D) CT angiogram of the right upper arm shows major arm artery and relationship to neighboring bones/rib cage. For more information see CT Angiography (CTA).

Reformatted image of the mid-abdomen creating a 'slab' showing the liver and intestines. The abdominal aorta and branches going to the liver, spleen and stomach are visible. This view is looking up toward the head of the patient.

3-D images of the abdominal aorta showing the main vessels in the abdomen.

3D-CT of the aorta

CT Angiography: 3-D image of the aorta in the chest. For more information see CT Angiography (CTA).

CT Angiography: 3-D image of the aorta in the chest. For more information see CT Angiography (CTA).