April 19, 2007

American Association for Women Radiologists (AAWR) Celebrates Its 25th Anniversary

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AAWR presidents

American Association of Women Radiologists
The Presidents at the 25th Anniversary Gala, November 2006

In celebration of its 25th Anniversary, members of the American Association for Women Radiologists (AAWR) gathered in Chicago last November during the 92nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America.

The AAWR was founded in 1981 by a group of women radiologists who recognized a need to address personal and professional barriers to success encountered by women in radiology. In addition to increasing the visibility of women in radiology, the AAWR provides networking opportunities for women radiologists, sponsorship of activities that impact women in radiology, and mentoring programs for career advancement. AAWR was originally called the American Association of Women in Radiology and was conceived and composed of women only. The name was changed to American Association for Women Radiologists and now includes both women and men as members.

At various events throughout the weeklong celebration in Chicago, AAWR members gave powerful presentations and told poignant personal stories about obstacles they've faced and triumphs they've experienced. The events included:

  • Gala Dinner-Dance
  • Annual Business Luncheon
  • Resident Luncheon
  • AAWR/RSNA Refresher Course
  • President’s Luncheon
  • International Luncheon

In a particularly moving presentation at the dinner dance, Dr. Carol Rumack, AAWR's first president, highlighted the inroads made by women radiologists through the years, including from the early days when women faced difficulties getting into medical school, getting jobs and getting promoted to more recent years when women are gaining leadership positions in prestigious radiology organizations.

An additional highlight was the one-woman show titled, "Manya – A Living History of Marie Curie," presented by Susan Marie Frontczak. The program was an inspirational and educational performance which chronicled the personal and professional life of Madame Marie Curie.

The AAWR Web site provides more information about the 25th Anniversary and all that the organization offers women in radiology through testimonials, photos and stories.

For more information, visit the AAWR web site (www.aawr.org):

AAWR logo

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